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What digital services does a Restaurant need?

A Restaurant is a great business and definitely something that needs to be on digital platforms. Nowadays, most people visit the website of a Restaurant to view the menu and pictures of the food than visit it straight away. Things like reviews and social media also aid this. Depending on the type of your Restaurant, you may need a few other things as well. For example, we would recommend a digital menu display that can be placed inside monitors or TVs within the Restaurant for customers to see what you have to offer. Regardless of whether customers like to view the Restaurant digitally before physically, its important to have it. Think of it this way, if your competition has every digital platform and a website, they are already one up on you in terms of business. We ultimately recommend a Website, Social Media & Platforms and Graphics services.


The website is probably the most important component of the digital side. We base this from our work efforts. Based on the statistics of our work, the website is responsible for around 65% of your views. We have analysed that this is largely because of the menu, gallery and contact pages. Your website needs to be responsive to all devices and browsers, so that everyone can view it in the right resolution and display.

For the menu, we believe in writing the content on the page rather than uploading a PDF file for customer’s to download. The PDF method is faster for a developer, but not the right idea for marketing reasons. Content and images on your menu page is a crucial part of marketing efforts known as Search Engine Optimisation. It might be worth uploading the larger categories in separate pages as well. If your menu is large, it might take your viewers longer to load your menu page.

For other pages such as home, gallery and contact pages, we believe they need to be designed in the right way. They should reflect your business and niche. For example, if you are a Greek restaurant, its a good idea to reflect that into the design and placed content.

Ultimately, your website needs to be modern, authentic and reliable.

Social Media & Platforms

Social Media is a crucial aspect of drawing in more customers into your Restaurant. Nowadays, most of hospitality businesses draw more customers into their business through online methods than physical ones. This is especially true for Restaurants and businesses without a lot of foot traffic.

Its very important to have the right balance on your social media. While some customers push for more posts per week, we believe posting on a period of 3-5 days and keeping the story aspects of social media more active. This is based completely off our research. We have found that customers are engaged more with the business and get less fatigue from the content and platform.

The posted content must be high quality and engaging. It could be engaging with a question aspect or making a bold statement. For example, if there is a special event being hosted such as a boxing fight, asking your viewers on what their opinion on the fight might be a good way to keep them engaged to your content.

Social media is ultimately an essential aspect to all hospitality businesses.


The branding of your Restaurant is a great aspect for you to show off your professionalism and dedication. If your content is inconsistent or simply messy, it will give off the effect that your business is not serious. You must make sure that all your presented media are similar in presentation and reliably consistent.

Discover our digital services for your Restaurant!

We are a digital agency and can create everything you need.
Contact us to find out more.


DEVCHIEF LTD is a shortcut for businesses and organisations wanting a digital presence or services. Our defining element comes from the end goal; assuring our work positively impacts client’s niche. We assess every area of client’s project with a comprehensive list of targets to hit, assuring that our work is carried out in its maximum potential.


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